NTE Courses

Non-Technical Elective courses existing in all 13 engineering curricula are intended to serve in meeting the following objectives of the education of engineering students and the engineering profession:

  • To be aware of their humanistic, social, and environmental responsibilities,
  • To be able to consider these factors in their professional decision-making processes,
  • To be exposed to a broad spectrum of disciplines other than science and engineering, and
  • To be able to establish a sound communication with professionals other than engineers.

The courses taught in the Middle East Technical University which are considered to be in this catagory are listed below according to the departments offering them

There has been a recent change in the Non-Technical Elective course list. You may see the Faculty Board decisions here

ARCH (120)     Deparment of Architecture
CP (121)         Department of City and Regional Planning
ID (125)          Deparment of Industrial Design
PHYS (230) Department of Physics
SOC (232)        Department of Sociology
PSY (233)         Department of Psychology
MATH (236)      Department of Mathematics
HIST (240) Department of History
PHIL (241)       Department of Philosophy
ADM (310) Department of Political Science and Public Administration
ECON (311) Department of Economics
BA (312) Department of Business Administration
IR (314) Department of International Relations
ELE (410)        Department of Elementary Education
ECE (411) Department of Early Childhood Education
SSME (420) Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education
FLE (450) Department of Foreign Language Education
PES (453) Department of Physical Education and Sport
EDS (454) Department of Educational Sciences
ARAB (602)      Department of Modern Language
FREN (603) Department of Modern Language
GERM (604) Derpartment of Modern Language
JA (605)  Derpartment of Modern Language
ITAL (606)      Derpartment of Modern Language
RUS (607) Derpartment of Modern Language
SPAN (608) Department of Modern Language
HEB (609) Department of Modern Language
GRE (610) Department of Modern Language
CHN (611)      Department of Modern Language
PERS (612) Department of Modern Language
ENG (639) Department of Modern Language
TURK (642)   Department of Turkish Language
THEA (643) Department of Music and Fine Arts
SLTP (644) Department of Music and Fine Arts
MUS (651)  Department of Music and Fine Arts
INST (682)  Department of Music and Fine Arts
TKPR (795)  Meslek Yüksek Okulu
STPS (831) Department of Science And Technology Policy Studies
ARME (863) Department of Archaeometry
CEIT (430)  Computer Education And Instructional Technology